Facebook [SCAM ALLERT!!] Lady Gaga Found Dead in Hotel Room

 Scam Signature Message on a fake BBC news page :
                BREAKING: Lady Gaga Found Dead in Hotel Room
                This is the most awful day in the US history
Why this is a scam ? :
               when users click on the news link it will takes users to a BBC fake website below the screen shot

its a type of clickjacking scam . this fake webpage ther is a malicious code to post the same story in your wall
without your knowledge for spreading this fake story as scam after a survey scam also displayed on this fake webpage.

How to deal with this scam?

it need to clean your account by removing the wall post:

Never take this type of surveys in facebook they are almost actually spam and the spammer used to either spread malware or gaining commission  from marketing personals
And if you get suckered into a scam like this despite being careful? It's ok, it happens to the best of us. But there are a few things you should do:

Check the security settings on your Facebook account. Did you really authorize all the apps and websites which are interacting with your Facebook account? No? Take access away from the ones which look unfamiliar.

Look at your News Feed. Are there things or links which you don't recall liking listed? Are there posts and status updates which you didn't write? Get rid of them before your friends see them and get scammed, too.

                If you or your Facebook friends are falling for tricks like this, it's time to get yourself informed of the latest threats. Be sure to join the page Facebook security and be aware about new security issues ,scams
pishing, etc..

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