Keep your profile away from Public search result

Facebook created public search listings in 2007 so friends can find you using public search engines such as Google or Bing.

Your public search listing includes your name, profile picture, gender and network — basic information that is always visible to everyone. It also includes your friend list and your likes, activities and interests (to limit the visibility of this information, change the settings in the "Connecting on Facebook" section of your Privacy Settings). If you post anything to an open forum on the site (for example: posts and comments on public pages and open groups, the "Questions and Answers from Users" section of the Help Center), this post may also appear in search engines. 

Its better for someone is that keep away or hide from public Search result
Here is how to hide you from public search reslts.?

1. Click "Edit your settings" for the "Applications and Websites" section at the bottom of your main Privacy Settings page.

2. Scroll down. look "Public search" and click "Edit Settings"

3. Un-check the box next to "Enable public search".

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